Black Class

Welcome to the homepage for Black class.  Black class are a friendly cohort of pupils from across KS3 and KS4.  We are all eager to learn and have a wide range of interests from computing to ancient history and everything in between. We also like physical activities, such as sport and swimming  and being outside, we take part in a range of sports activities which are both in school and at intra-school events. We are eager to do jobs for others and participate in a wide range of work experience opportunities to help us develop our employability skills.
  • Dale Holden


  • Emma Silvester

    Teaching Assistant

  • Phil Gallagher

    Teaching Assistant


Home School Dairies

We ask families and carers to return the Home School diary each day, as this will enable the class staff to provide comments and information about you child's day in school. If there are particular things you wish to be informed about, please speak with a member of the staff team and we will ensure this is written in the book. 

Individual Education Plans

These set out the priority targets that your child is working on for the term; these targets are linked to the overarching targets set out in your child's EHCP. IEPs are updated each half term and sent home. If there is anything that you would particular like us to be working on please just let us know.

Swimming & PE

PE/ swimming takes place for all pupils as a Sport and Leisure option in a Wednesday.  Pupils choose what activity they wish to do each half term.  You will be informed via the home diary what activity your child has chosen in order that you can provide the correct kit. 

We access Sensory Kingdom and Ready to Learn opportunities. 

Class Funds

Parents are requested to provide snack daily and to send in 50p per week to enable us to purchase juice, cooking ingredients etc.

Thank you
