Gold Class
Welcome to Gold Class!
Gold class is made up of a brilliant and talented group of 7 pupils working between Key Stage 3 and 4. We enjoy accessing the different areas of school including Sensory Kingdom and the Green Mile. Our class teacher is Melanie and our teaching assistants are Belinda, Kirsty, Steve and Mayowa.
This year we will be working on our Life Skills and independence both in school and in the local community on trips we plan as a class. This term we are learning all about Football! We are looking forward to learning about our topic through active and practical activities, as well as Humanities and Art projects.
We are looking forward to exploring new adventures together and can't wait to share what we have learnt!
Home School Diaries
We ask families and carers to return the Home School diary each day, as this will enable the class staff to provide comments and information about your child's day in school. If there are particular things you wish to be informed about, please speak with the class teacher.
Individual Education Plans
These set out the priority targets that your child is working on for the term; these targets are linked to the overarching targets set out in your child's EHCP. IEPs are updated each half term and sent home. If there is anything that you would particular like us to be working on, please just let us know.
PE & Swimming
Our PE days will be on a Wednesday. The class will enjoy group games, life skills opportunities and outdoor learning as part of our PE curriculum. Swimming will take place in spring. I will communicate nearer the time, when pupils will need their swimming costumes.
Class Funds
We kindly ask for a voluntary contribution of 50p per full school week, so we are able to undertake sensory cookery as part of our functional skills curriculum. Thank you for your co-operation.
Melanie Birchall
Belinda Andrews
Teaching Assistant
Mayowa Hassan
Teaching Assistant
Ste Dix
Teaching Assistant
Kirsty Stone
Teaching Assistant